Check your plan

Affiliate management is included with Kartra Growth, Professional, and Enterprise plans. Review or change your subscription in your account Billing.

Use the affiliate dashboard to manage everyone who has signed up to be an affiliate for one or more of your products.

  • Go to Products > Affiliates
  • A numbered red status indicator in your account Products menu tells you how many affiliates are pending
  • Everyone who has applied to promote your products is shown in the table – all approved, pending, and declined

Affiliate details and sales

The affiliate table displays each person’s name, email address, and information about their referral activity. Click the Advanced filters icon at the top right corner of the table to filter the results.

Affiliate management dashboard

  • Affiliate: Click the person’s name to open their affiliate profile.
    • Pro tip: The affiliate profile and lead profile contain different information. Use the See lead profile button in the top right to see the lead information you have for the affiliate.
  • Products: Displays the number of products the affiliate has already begun promoting. The number in this column increases the first time someone clicks on the affiliate’s promotional link for a specific product.
  • Earned: Total commission amount earned, based on the rules you set for your affiliate program and each product.
  • Reserve: Amount of commission earned that is not yet eligible for payout. The reserve period is based on the rules you set for your affiliate program and product, such as the minimum number of sales required or holding through a refund period.
  • Due: Amount of commission that is due for payment. When an amount clears the reserve period, the total moves to the due column, showing that the affiliate is ready to be paid.
  • Paid: Amount of commission paid to the affiliate, based on the payment records entered for them. Hover over the paid amounts to see a line item for individual payment records.
  • Actions: Displays commission status
    • Green checkmark: All paid up (no payment is due)
    • Black dollar sign: Ready to be paid. Click to mark as paid.
    • Grey dollar sign: Ready to be paid, but the affiliate does not meet a requirement for payment. Hover over the icon to see why.

Approve or decline an affiliate

Hover over the colored status bubble on an affiliate’s avatar icon to change their status.

Note: Affiliates cannot be deleted, even if their application was declined. Kartra retains their profile to prevent anyone you declined previously from submitting a new application. If you change your mind about an applicant, you can manually change their status in the affiliate dashboard.

Change an affiliate's status

  • Pending (yellow): The person has applied but does not have access to promotional links for your products yet. Open their profile to see their answers to your sign-up questionnaire.
  • Declined (red): The person applied but has been denied. They do not have access to promotional links for your product and will not be able to reapply through your sign-up page with this email address again.
  • Approved for manual payments (green): The person has been approved and has access to promotional links for your products inside their own Kartra account. You will pay them manually each time the affiliate is eligible for a commission payout.
  • Approved for adaptive payments (green): The person has been approved and has access to promotional links for your products inside their own Kartra account. Their commission will be paid automatically via PayPal Adaptive Payments as soon as they refer a sale. They are not subject to any holding period or minimal referral rules.
    • Important: Recommended for use this with trusted affiliates only, as recovering funds after a refund or chargeback can be a challenge.

Trusted affiliates

Use the trusted affiliates flag to mark affiliates that you have a relationship with and no longer need to perform any kind of review before paying. The trusted affiliate designation is a tool to help you organize and manage your affiliate network.

Affiliate actions

Select one or more affiliates in the table and use the Action menu to act.

Perform affiliate actions

Affiliate actions:

  • Assign / unassigned tags
  • Subscribe / unsubscribe from list
  • Subscribe / unsubscribe from sequence
  • Export payment details
    • Start here when you’re ready to pay a group of affiliates. Alternatively, you can open each affiliate profile to see their individual payment details.
  • Approve - manual payments
  • Approve - PayPal Instant Payments
  • Decline
  • Mark as paid
    • Use this only when you have paid your affiliates through a third-party transaction. Kartra cannot send money to your affiliates.
  • Email these users
    • Launches the broadcast email wizard with your selected affiliates as a custom recipient group.