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Advanced automation is included with Kartra Growth, Professional, and Enterprise plans. Review or change your subscription in your account Billing.

Use Advanced automations to trigger workflows when tags expire. For example, you can use expiring tags to give a lead temporary access to something like your membership content or a special offer, or to trigger an automatic action a certain number of days after a tag was applied.

Automation behavior:

  • When a tag is applied, it triggers automation rules with Lead is assigned tag…
  • When a tag expires, it triggers automation rules with Lead is unassigned tag…

There are MANY ways you can use expiring tags to create unique journeys for your customers and prospects. Here are a couple of examples to get you started!

Free course access for a limited time

Give a new lead 7 days of free access to your membership course when they opt-in and automatically revoke their access after the 7 days.

  1. Set an opt-in form to apply the tag "7-Days Free" when a new lead completes it
    • Configure the tag to expire in 7 days
  2. Create Advanced automation 1:
    • IF Lead is assigned tag "7-Days Free" ... THEN Grant access to "My Course"
  3. Create Advanced automation 2:
    • IF Lead is unassigned tag "7-Days Free" ... THEN Revoke access to "My Course"

When the "7-Days Free" tag expires, the lead's access to your course will be automatically revoked.

Track lead engagement over time

Label a new lead depending on whether they engage with your emails in the first 30 days after making a purchase.

  1. Set a product to apply the tag "New Engagement" when a customer makes a purchase
    • Configure the tag to expire in 30 days
  2. Create an Advanced automation with a level of engagement condition:
    • IF Lead is unassigned tag "New Engagement" ... AND Level of Engagement is Has not opened any email ... THEN Assign tag "Low Engagement"

When the "New Engagement" tag expires, the automation will trigger and add a new tag to show that the lead hasn't opened any emails after their purchase.

Send an exclusive offer when a refund period ends

Wait until your refund period is over before sending an exclusive communication or offer to a new customer.

  1. Create an automated sequence with messages containing information about your exclusive offer
  2. Set a product to apply the tag "New Customer" when a customer makes a purchase
    • Configure the tag to expire in the same number of days as your refund period
  3. Create an Advanced automation:
    • IF Lead is unassigned tag "New Customer" ... AND Customer has active subscription ... THEN Subscribe to sequence "Exclusive Offer"

When the "New Customer" tag expires, if the customer still has an active subscription to a specified product, they will be automatically subscribed to the exclusive offer sequence.