IMPORTANT: Before we start, it's important to note that the aMember integration will require the installation of the Kartra.php file in your aMember installation. You may download the Kartra.php file here: aMember Integration (This should include a Read_Me.txt and Kartra.php files).

If you have questions about installing a plugin into your aMember account, please contact the aMember support and provide them the Kartra.php file from the zip file linked above. When uploading the php file to your aMember directory, the directory should look like this:


When the Kartra plugin has been added to your aMember installation, let's proceed with the configuration!

You will need:

  • URL to the membership portal provided by aMember
  • URL for the aMember notification integration
  • Secret key (which can be any string of numbers and/or letters you wish)
  • Kartra will provide a connection key that you will add to the aMember products system.

Note: The rest of this documentation will assume you are an active user of the aMember service and know all the details of its own installation and use. Please contact your aMember support for more information on using the aMember service. 

In Kartra:

Go to Integrations and select the aMember tab.

aMember integration

Select "+ New integration" to create a new integration.

Integrate aMember with Kartra

In the configuration window, fill in the fields:

  • Membership name: Name your integration. This is to help you identify it in your account.
  • Login URL to the membership portal: The root login portal for your aMember. The URL will look like similar to this:
  • Notification URL: Similar to
  • Connection key: Kartra auto-generates this key for you. It is unique to the integration and must be added to your aMember product details in a later step.
  • Secret key: A password that you define. Please enter an alpha-numeric password with no spaces or symbols.

Click Create in the top right corner of the window to save the configuration.

Configure products in aMember

The Connection key provided in the integration configuration screen is used with the products on your aMember site that you would like integrated with Kartra.

After installing the Kartra plugin (PHP file) on your aMember site, a Kartra connection ID field will appear in the product setup with aMember: (near the bottom of the setup) 


Paste the Kartra "Connection Key" into the corresponding field in aMember.

Next, go to Protect Content > Configuration > Setup/Configuration in aMember

  1. Select Kartra from the tabs in the top of the page
  2. Paste the secret key you added to the Kartra integration earlier in this guide into the Secret Key field for Kartra (shown in the following image).
  3. Update the rest of the fields in the Kartra plugin setup as desired.


Note: If the Kartra.php plugin file was not installed correctly, the configuration options will not appear in the aMember interface.

If your aMember integration does not work via Kartra, please contact Kartra support.

If you cannot install your Kartra plugin into aMember, please contact your aMember support and provide them the Kartra.php file located here: aMember Integration